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MBA英文面试常用句式 见面: Good morning Good afternoon. May I come in? Nice to meet you. Thank you. 告别: I’ve enjoyed speaking with you. That’s my pleasure. It’s been nice talking with you. Well, nice to have been talking to you. Thank you for interview with me. I hope to meet you again. 就某一个问题你如果认为自己已经回答完毕了可以说: I think that’s all. That’s it, I t hink. Have I answered your question? 谈话中: Thank you for your compliment. It’s very kind of you to say so. Excuse me, I guess I don’t make myself clear. 核实一下自己对对方意思的理解是否正确 Do you intend to say that… Do you mean… Does that mean… If I understand right… 下列句型则通常用以表示举例 For example,… Let me give you an example. 下列句型则通常用以表示犹豫 You see,… Well, the thing is,… Well, you know, er,… I mean… Oh, let me think for a moment… Well, let me see. That’s a very big / interesting / difficult question… Um… er…actually…in fact…you see…the thing is… how shall I put it… sort of… Well… it’s like this, you see…theee…ayyy… 下列句型则通常用以了解信息 Can you tell me something about it? I’d like to know more about… 表示你对某事感兴趣 I find …quite attracting. I have some interest in… I’m interested in… My hobby is… …interests me a great deal. 表示你的意见 As far as I’m concerned, I think… As I see it,… In my opinion… Personally, I believe… 下列句型则通常用以表示重述 ※ 请某人重述某事 Could you repeat that, please? Could you say that again, please? I’m sorry? I’sorry, but I didn’t quite catch what you were saying. I’sorry, what’s that? ※ 重述 I was just saying… I was just wondering… ※ 换一种方式重述 in other words,… Let me put it another way,… That’s to say… 一般情况下,我们不鼓励大家打断考官的话,但是如果确是必要,那么请适用下列语句: Can I say something here? Can I add something? Excuse me for interrupting, but… 如何提出问题,获得更多的信息及回答技巧 (1)如何提出问题 I was wondering if you could help me. I'd like to know… |
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