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华侨的英语简历范例 标签: 简历模板下载,求职简历模板下载,个人求职简历模板 http://www.519jianli.com


Duan Mou 华侨
曾在爱立信公司从事RF IC设计(GSM、蓝牙、Dect、FM无线电广播、GPS)、SIC电力装置、半导体处理技术、半导体分析技术、材料科学、为瑞典公司管理在中国的项目、

Name : Duan Mou
Citizenship: Chinese, having permanent residence permission of Sweden


Extensive contacts with small and medium size Swedish company
Experienced in RF IC design (GSM, Bluetooth, Dect, FM radio, GPS)
Experienced in SiC power devices
Experienced in semiconductor process technology, semiconductor analysis technology.
Experienced in material physics
Experienced in managing project in China for Swedish company
Business experience and industry experience in China
Reviewer of Journal of Applied Physics

Aug.02- now Infineon Technologies AG (Senior Specialist, RF IC)

May 00- Aug.02 Ericsson AB (RF IC designer )

Jan.98 - April 00 ABB Corporate Research, (R&D Engineer)

Aug. 95- Dec. 97 : FTE, Electronics Dept. of KTH (Doktrand)

Nov.93- July, 95 : Physics Dept. of KTH (Doktrand)

Sept. 92 – Oct. 93 Assistant of the CEO of Hudua group company

Sept. 87 – Oct. 92 : Physics Dept. of Guizhou Normal University (Lecturer)

Sept. 82 ---July,84 : Yongsheng Electric Meter Plant ( Engineer)


Got Ph.D from Electronics Dept., Royal Inst. of Technology (KTH) in 1998

Got Lic. from Physics Dept., Royal Inst. of Technology(KTH) in 1995

Got MS from Physics Inst. of Chinese Academy of Science in 1987 (Laser optics)

Got BS from Physics Dept. of Lanzhou Uni. In 1982

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