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英文求职信 时间:10-15 13:31 浏览次数:686
应届生英文求职信 标签: 英语求职信范文,英文求职信范文 http://www.519jianli.com


I wish to apply for the position advertised in JobsPower.com. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements which you have specified.
I am twenty-seven years of age. After graduating from school I took a two year's business course in City Commercial College. Since graduating I have worked for three years in a lawyer's office, where I am at present employed. I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgement than here, and where there is more opportunity for advancement.
I have permission to refer you to Mr. James White, Principal of the City College, for statements as to my character and ability. If your wish further references, please communicate with Mr. Horace Greene, President of the Taipan Wood Company.

Very truly yours

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