目前所在: 东莞 年 龄: 24 人才类型: 应届毕业生 志愿者经历 毕业院校: 广东医学院 外语: 英语 精通 粤语水平: 良好 专长:英语口语和写作,世界文化 In the college,varying from most English majors ,lisa combined English learning with her favourate field-culture ,thus four years'cultivation of liberal arts including World Society,Western Humanities,Chinese History and Philosophy not only contribute to her splendid improvement in English but also in overal abilities and morality .Furthermore ,every summer holiday is made the most of doing some practice .While English majors of English master and integrated abilities are of great need in a new centrury ,lisa hold fimrly that,she will be a chartered employee. |
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